Monday 4 May 2015


Today we'll talk about your tests and your essay question for the rest of the week.

Here is what we have left:

5/5  TEST

5/6-5/11 1984 Essay

1984 Essay Prompts


ESSAY IS DUE May 11, 2014.

1. Readers are often angered by the ending of 1984. Was the novel's ending appropriate? How does it contribute to the overall message of the novel?

2. Discuss the significance and nature of Winston's dreams. Deconstruct the dream wherein O'Brien claims that they "shall meet in a place where there is no darkness", and the dream in which Winston's mother and sister disappear. What are the underpinnings of these dreams? What deeper meanings do they hold? Why do you think the author devotes as much time as he does to Winston's dreams?

3. Write an essay in which you explain whether or not Winston is a hero.  Explain your answer with a thorough definition of what a hero is and specific examples that demonstrate how Winston does or does not match the definition.

4. Like Frankenstein, 1984 is a cautionary tale.  Write an essay in which you thoroughly explain what Orwell is cautioning us against.

5. The novel, indirectly and perhaps without the author even intending it, makes some powerful statements about the roles (or potential roles) of women in society.  Write an essay in which you explore the role of women in the novel and what the significance of your observations might be.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Practice TEST

Answer the following questions - also look at the attached "Practice Test" on Edmodo.  

1984 Test:  Each questions is worth 5 points unless noted.  Total points = 181

1.     (15 points)   List and explain three themes that appear in 1984.

  1. (8 points) What do the following symbols represent (keep in mind that they may represent more than one thing at different times in the novel)


The Golden Country:

Chestnut Tree Café:


  1. Give a definition for dystopia and briefly explain how 1984 fits the definition (be specific and use examples – vague or incomplete answers will not receive full credit)

  1. List five foreshadows in 1984 (and explain what they hint at)

  1. Describe in detail and with examples the various ways (at least five) that Big Brother controls its citizens.

  1. List four ironies in the book.

  1. Give three examples of motifs that occur in the novel and connect each to a theme.

  1. Explain the slogan, “He who controls the past controls the future.  He who controls the present controls the past.”  Why is this slogan important?

  1. What lies/half-truths does the party teach about history?

  1. Name the four ministries and what each controls.

  1. List the three principles of Ingsoc.

  1. List five Newspeak words and define each.

  1. How is a person’s class determined in 1984?

  1. How does Big Brothers philosophy about power and control differ from previous dictatorships?

  1. What is O’Brien’s vision of the future?

  1. Explain the significance of Winston’s childhood memories?  How do they give weight to the novel?

  1. According to Obrien how is Winston mentally deranged?

  1. (14 points):  For the following characters discuss who they are, the meanings of their names, and what they represent in the novel.



Winston Smith




  1. (9 points) List and explain in detail the three movements of the novel.  Use examples.  What is each about?  Why is each important?

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Shmoop Review

Okay - so I'll post a practice test tomorrow, but first you'll need to do Shmoop Unit 2 Lesson 7-8: All's Orwell That Ends Orwell.

Also make sure you can answer all the objectives below:

1) Define Negative Utopia and discuss how 1984 fits the definition.
2) Define motif, give 3-5 examples of motifs in the book and be able to explain their significance (a few motifs to think about include rebellion, songs, slogans, sex, rebellion)
3) Be able to explain the significance of the following themes:  The meaning of freedom; The responsibility of the Individual in Society, Dehumanization as a method of control, isolation, social class disparity, and the abuse of power
4) Define dystopia and apply it to the novel
5) Keep a list of ironies (at least ten found in the book)
6) Make a list of all the characters with description and discussion of the meaning behind their names
7) Examine the following symbols: Big Brother, The Party Slogans, The Four Ministries, the paperweight, the golden country, Emmanuel Goldstein, James, Aaronson, Rutherford, Chestnut Tree CafĂ©, Doublethink, Newspeak Dictionary, Winston’s Diary, Junkshop, songs, Proles
8) Explain the purpose of Newspeak
9) Describe how Big Brother controls its citizens
10) Describe the setting
11) Name the four ministries and what they control
12) Compare/Contrast Winston and Julia
13) Research current privacy-related issues and debates affection society and connect with 1984.
14) Keep a list of Newspeak Words
15) Discuss the meaning of room 101.
16) List the ideas in Goldstein’s book.
17) Outline the plot according to the six elements of plot
18) Discuss the three movements in the book and summarize what happens in each.
19) List the types of conflict involved in the novel.
20) Discuss the meaning of various quotes discussed in class.
21) List five to ten examples of foreshadow.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


Today, we are going to look at the Appendix: The Principles of Newspeak.

Tomorrow you will begin to review for the upcoming test.  You'll have a couple of "review" assignments via SHMOOP.

Make sure your study questions are posted.

Friday 24 April 2015


Read pages 284-297 today and answer study questions on BOOK III.

One more chapter in this book after today.  More torture.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

BOOK 3 Questions


1. Why are the political prisoners more terrified than the common criminals?

2. Why was Ampleforth in prison?

3. What role does Winston think O’Brien has been playing?

4. According to O’Brien, why is Winston being tortured?

5. According to O’Brien, why does the Party want power?

6. Where does O’Brien think reality exists?

7. What does Winston see when he looks in the mirror?

8. At the end of Chapter III, what has Winston NOT done that O’Brien wants him to do?

9. What is in Room 101?

10. When and in what way does Winston betray Julia? Why is it significant?
11. Why does O’Brien say prisoners are brought to the Ministry of Love?

12. Was the Party successful in “getting inside” Winston?

13. How do Winston and Julia now feel about one another?

14. How does Winston ultimately feel about Big Brother?

15. What “victory over himself” has Winston won?  Do you think it’s a real victory?

16. What do you think the major theme of 1984 is?  Why?

Friday 17 April 2015


1) Define Negative Utopia and discuss how 1984 fits the definition.
2) Define motif, give 3-5 examples of motifs in the book and be able to explain their significance (a few motifs to think about include rebellion, songs, slogans, sex, rebellion)
3) Be able to explain the significance of the following themes:  The meaning of freedom; The responsibility of the Individual in Society, Dehumanization as a method of control, isolation, social class disparity, and the abuse of power
4) Define dystopia and apply it to the novel
5) Keep a list of ironies (at least ten found in the book)
6) Make a list of all the characters with description and discussion of the meaning behind their names
7) Examine the following symbols: Big Brother, The Party Slogans, The Four Ministries, the paperweight, the golden country, Emmanuel Goldstein, James, Aaronson, Rutherford, Chestnut Tree CafĂ©, Doublethink, Newspeak Dictionary, Winston’s Diary, Junkshop, songs, Proles
8) Explain the purpose of Newspeak
9) Describe how Big Brother controls its citizens
10) Describe the setting
11) Name the four ministries and what they control
12) Compare/Contrast Winston and Julia
13) Research current privacy-related issues and debates affection society and connect with 1984.
14) Keep a list of Newspeak Words
15) Discuss the meaning of room 101.
16) List the ideas in Goldstein’s book.
17) Outline the plot according to the six elements of plot
18) Discuss the three movements in the book and summarize what happens in each.
19) List the types of conflict involved in the novel.
20) Discuss the meaning of various quotes discussed in class.
21) List five to ten examples of foreshadow.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Class Assignment

Today - you are going to go over to Shmoop and complete UNIT 2 Lesson 6, "Protect and Observe".

This should be a review of book 2 chapters 8-10.  This will be due tomorrow.

Good Luck!

Monday 13 April 2015


So Here is what we have left:

4/15  pages 171-230 (finish Book 2 – one of the chapters is really long here)

4/17  Finish Study Questions for PART II

4/20  Take quiz on book

4/22  pages 231-246

4/23  pages 246-269

4/24  pages 269-284

4/27  pages 284-297

4/28  pages 297-308

4/29  Read Appendix and Introductions

4/30- 5/4  Review for TEST

5/5  TEST

5/6-5/11 1984 Essay


Book Two, Chapter 8—10 

1. Contrast the living quarters and style of the Inner Party members with those of the Outer Party members and proles. 

2. How does O’Brien test Julia and Winston? 

3. What information does O’Brien give them about the Brotherhood? 

4. How will O’Brien get The Book to Winston? 

Book Two, Chapter 9

1. Why does Orwell include detailed passages from Goldstein’s Book in 1984? 

2. What three classes of people have always existed?

3. In What ways have these three classes changed? 

4. What is the purpose of war in the world of 1984? 

5. What are the two aims of the Party? 

6. What are the two problems with which the Party is concerned? 

7. Why do all three superpowers forbid their citizens from associating with foreigners? 

8. The governments of the three superpowers are alike in essence even though their forms of government have different names. Identify these similarities and explain why they exist? 

9.. What is the real "war" fought in each of the three governments? Your answer will explain the party slogan, "War is Peace." 

10. What are the aims of the three groups? 

11. What changes in the pattern occurred in the nineteenth century? 

12. How did socialism change in the twentieth century? 

13. Why are the rulers in the twentieth century better at maintaining power than earlier tyrants? 

14. What are the four ways an elite group falls from power? 

15. How does the Inner Party make certain it will not fall from power? 

16. How is a person’s class determined in the 1984 world? 

17. What is doublethink and what is its purpose to the ruling class? 

18. Why is the mutability of the past important to the ruling class?

Book Two, Chapter 10

1. What understanding does Winston gain about the common people?

2. What is the significance of the glass paperweight here?

Friday 10 April 2015

Study Questions 5-6

Today we will begin reading 150-171 (this reading is due by Monday).

1)  Who has vanished?
2)  Describe the preparations for Hate Week?  In what ways does the Inner Party excel in building spirit?
3) Julia and Winston have some differences?  Explain them.
4) What finally convinces Winston that O'Brien is a member of the Brotherhood?

5) Begin to outline a comparison between 1984 and another dystopia novel that you have read by either themes, characters, slogans or symbols.  On Monday, you will have an in-class essay assignment on this comparison.  It'll be worth 50 points.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Outline to 150

Today, you will need to create an outline of 1984 to page 150.

This outline should include the following:

1) BOOK 1 - a brief list and description of everything that happens in this book including a discussion of how the society works.  Think about the four ministries, the three slogans, INGSOC, newspeak, two minutes of hate, how the past, present and future are controlled, and BIG BROTHER.  And the JUNK SHOP.

2) A list of all the characters in the book with a brief description of who they are.

3) BOOK 2 - discussion of all the events in BOOK 2 (so far).

4) Outline of Plot (so far) according to the six elements of plot.

5) List of three symbols in the book with a discussion of what they stand for.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Study Questions BOOK 3 and 4

Book Two, Chapter 3

How and where do Julia and Winston meet?
What is Julia’s job?
What is her background?
What is her attitude toward the Party?
Describe the quote “ With Julia, everything came back to her own sexuality. As soon as this was touched upon in any way she was capable of great acuteness”. What does Winston think about Julia?
Why does the Party think the sexual impulse as well as the familial love dangerous?

Book Two, Chapter 4

How does Winston react to the singing Prole woman?
What pleasures of the senses are mentioned in this chapter? What is Orwell’s point in mentioning them?
What is Winston’s reaction to rats? Julia’s reaction?
Winston is interested in the church bells that once played in the city even though he is not religious. What do church bells mean to him?
Winston sees the coral paperweight as a symbol of what?

Friday 3 April 2015

Book 2 Study Questions


Book Two, Chapter 1

How does Winston react to the note from Julia before he reads it?
How does Winston react to the note after he reads it?
Where do they manage to talk for the first time?
Where do they plan to meet?
What do Winston and Julia do before they part?

Book Two, Chapter 2

Why is Winston ill at ease once he is alone with Julia?
What does Julia bring with her that she has obtained on the black market?
What are Julia’s ideas about the Party?
What familiar sign does Winston find?
What is the significance of the thrush music?
What does Winston mean when he says that he loves Julia all the more because she has had scores of sexual encounters?

Thursday 2 April 2015

1984 PART 1


1) Do the practice quiz below on part 1, view the slideshow on part 1, and what the video below on Newspeak (then quack like a duck - it's a compliment).  Last - Do Lesson 4 on Shmoop, "LOST IN TRANSLATION".  It's on Newspeak so watch the video.

Go here for a practice quiz

For some interesting notes on part 1 go HERE

Monday 30 March 2015


We will continue to read 1984 today.

Keep in mind your reading schedule.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Watch the AD below

Continue with Shmoop activities.  These are due tomorrow.

Also watch this ad HERE

I want you to be able to relate it to 1984.  What is the ad saying?

Wednesday 25 March 2015

1984 on SHMOOP

Okay - go to Dystopian Literature on Shmoop classroom and do Unit 2 Lessons 1-3.  Note, you can't do lesson 1 activity.   Lesson 2 activity, asks you to create a video.  You should just want out your response and post it to your blog.  You can do lesson 3 activity and submit it to Shmoop.

Now - get busy you bee.

Tuesday 24 March 2015


So it's a shorten day here in Skagway.

I want you to summarize chapter 1 (pages 1-20) on your page and then read the pages 21-49 for tomorrow.

Monday 23 March 2015

1984 PART I

1984 Reading Schedule:


3/24 pages 1-20

3/25 pages 21-49

3/30 pages 49-71


4/2 pages 72-106

4/3 Finish Study Questions for PART I

4/8 pages 107-129

4/9 pages 129-150

4/10 1-page summary of book to page 150 (halfway mark)

4/911 pages 150-171

4/15 pages 171-230 (finish Book 2 – one of the chapters is really long here)

4/17 Finish Study Questions for PART II

4/20 Take quiz on book

4/22 pages 231-246

4/23 pages 246-269

4/24 pages 269-284

4/27 pages 284-297

4/28 pages 297-308

4/29 Read Appendix and Introductions

4/30- 5/4 Review for TEST

5/5 TEST
5/6-5/11 1984 Essay

Study Questions - BOOK 1

Book One, Chapters 1-2

1. What bothers Winston?
2. What is wrong with his society?
3. What are the three slogans of the Inner Party?
4. What are the four ministries?
5. What items are written in italics?
6. How does the Two Minute Hate work?
7. What happens to Winston during the chant?
8. What happens between O’Brien and Winston?
9. During the film (p. 11), how did the audience react?
10. What is "thoughtcrime"?
11. What are the Thought Police?
12. Who are the Parsons and what do they represent?
13. How do the Parsons’ children behave?
14. What is Winston's dream about O’Brien?
15. What is announced on the news? (p. 25)

Book One, Chapters 3-4

1. What is Winston’s dream about his mother? How does he feel about himself in that dream?
2. What is his dream about the "Golden Country"?
3. What does he remember about the big events of the past? Bombs? Past Wars?
4. Explain the Party slogan, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
5. What does he know about the legends concerning Big Brother?
6. Describe Winston’s job.
7. How is the past controlled?
8. What special literature, music, and entertainment is produced for the proletariat (proles)?
9. How does Winston feel about his work? What sort of "creativity" is involved?
10. What is the significance of Comrade Ogilvy?

Book One, Chapters 5-7

1. What is the problem with obtaining razor blades?
2. What is revealed about Inner Party philosophy in the discussion between Winston and Syme?
3. Why does Winston feel that Syme will be vaporized?
4. Parsons brags about his children for doing what?
5. What is the significance of the telescreen announcement?
6. What are Winston’s feelings about the present time after he hears the cheerful announcement on the telescreen?
7. Winston predicts that certain people will be vaporized and that certain people will never be vaporized. Who? Why?
8. What is the purpose of marriage in the state?
9. What do Winston’s memories about visiting a prostitute reveal about his attitudes towards sex in Oceania?
10. How does Winston view the proles?
11. How are the proles controlled (prole control)?
12. What lies/half-truths does the Party teach about history?
13. Winston suspects that the Party lies about progress made since the war. What Party claims does he doubt?
14. What is the story of Aaronson, Jones and Rutherford?
15. Why is this story so meaningful for Winston?
16. What is Winston’s unanswered question?

Book One, Chapter 8

1. Why does Winston go off on his own? What activities is he missing out on?
2. What is life like in the proles’ end of London?
3. What does Winston think about after his conversation with the old man in the pub?
4. What does Winston discover at Mr. Charrington’s shop?
5. What is Mr. Charrington like?
6. What does Winston think when he sees the dark-haired girl outside Mr. Charrington’s shop?
7. How does one’s own body betray a person?
8. Why does Winston wonder about church bells ringing in London?

Friday 13 March 2015




At the end of this book students will be able to

1) Define Negative Utopia and discuss how 1984 fits the definition.
2) Define motif, give 3-5 examples of motifs in the book and be able to explain their significance (a few motifs to think about include rebellion, songs, slogans, sex, rebellion)
3) Be able to explain the significance of the following themes:  The meaning of freedom; The responsibility of the Individual in Society, Dehumanization as a method of control, isolation, social class disparity, and the abuse of power
4) Define dystopia and apply it to the novel
5) Keep a list of ironies (at least ten found in the book)
6) Make a list of all the characters with description and discussion of the meaning behind their names
7) Examine the following symbols: Big Brother, The Party Slogans, The Four Ministries, the paperweight, the golden country, Emmanuel Goldstein, James, Aaronson, Rutherford, Chestnut Tree CafĂ©, Doublethink, Newspeak Dictionary, Winston’s Diary, Junkshop, songs, Proles
8) Explain the purpose of Newspeak
9) Describe how Big Brother controls its citizens
10) Describe the setting
11) Name the four ministries and what they control
12) Compare/Contrast Winston and Julia
13) Research current privacy-related issues and debates affection society and connect with 1984.
14) Keep a list of Newspeak Words
15) Discuss the meaning of room 101.
16) List the ideas in Goldstein’s book.
17) Outline the plot according to the six elements of plot
18) Discuss the three movements in the book and summarize what happens in each.
19) List the types of conflict involved in the novel.
20) Discuss the meaning of various quotes discussed in class.
21) List five to ten examples of foreshadow.
22) Answer study questions are you read.

Monday 2 March 2015

Works Cited

Watch the POWERPOINT on OWL - go HERE

For an MLA generator go HERE

Wednesday 25 February 2015


Today - we will go over your answers to the National Oration and review your opening paragraph of your persuasion paper.

Note - you will have a short quiz on Friday on the notes you took on the PowerPoint last week.

Remember your 1st draft (complete draft) is due on Monday.

For fun watch the following ORATION:

Tuesday 24 February 2015

So - I want you to watch the oration above and answer the following:

1)  What is the hook?
2) What is the thesis statement?
3) Give examples of the following types of evidence or strategies that the speaker uses:

 A) Expert Testimony
 B) Facts and Statistics
 C) Comparisons
 D) Refutation of the opposing side
 E) Audience interest

4) How does the speaker establish his personal connection with the topic?
5) How does the speaker use Ethos, Logos and Pathos in his oration?
6) What is the conclusion?

Please post these on your blog.

Monday 23 February 2015

Writing the Persuasive Essay

1st Draft of Persuasive Essay will be due on Monday - March 2nd, 2015.

For a tutorial go HERE

For an overview of MLA Format go to Purdue Owl - HERE

Remember the order of importance in MLA


1) Name
2) Title of article or title of webpage
3) Title of book or website
4) Place of publication
5) Publisher
6) Date of publication
7) Page number
8) Source of publication (example: Web, Print, DVD, etc)
9) (Internet) Date of access.

go here for sample MLA Citation pages or in-text citations.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Argumentation and Persuasion Essays

Today - we will discuss persuasive essays.  You will also look at a powerpoint on Edmodo about persuasive essays and take notes from it.

For a list of "possible" controversial topics go HERE


Resolved: In the United States, students should be guaranteed two years of free tuition to a community or technical college.

Resolved: On balance, economic globalization benefits worldwide poverty reduction.

Resolved: United Nations peacekeepers should have the power to engage in offensive operations.

Resolved: For-profit prisons in the United States should be banned.

Resolved: On balance, the benefits of genetically modified foods outweigh the harms.

Resolved: On balance, public subsidies for professional athletic organizations in the United States benefit their local communities.
Argumentation and Persuasive Essays

The purpose of this unit is help students think about persuasive arguments and how to defend a position.  We will explore the basic structure of a debate and develop affirmative and negative arguments with constructive points and rebuttals.  Students will learn how to write thesis statements with an order of development to outline the structure of their essay.  We will talk about the six traits of writing, about transitions, about conclusions, about research and MLA citation.  We will look at controversial topics in the news and discuss how to argue one side or another, and we will write and revise, and finally share with the class.  The persuasion essays is perhaps the most important essay form to learn as far as it helps students explore topics, think about evidence, develop research methods, and prepare a paper and speech.  It is also a paper that they will reencounter in college.

OBJECTIVES:  By the end of this unit students will be able to

1) Define the following terms: Logos, Ethos, Pathos, Thesis Statement, Order of Development, Conclusion, Transition, Audience, Hook, Purpose, Evidence
2) List the six traits of writing and the six steps in the writing process.
3) Properly outline the constructive for a debate and rebut opponents points/arguments
4) Choose a topic about a controversial issues and take one side of argument
5) List the Do’s and Don’ts of persuasive argument
6) Write a clear and precise thesis statement with an order of development
7) Properly cite sources both in-text and on a works cited page
8) Find evidence from a variety of different sources including Print Sources, Internet Sources, Media Sources, and Personal Sources
9) Use the Internet to properly to conduct research
10) cite passages from sources
11) Use evidence to back up your position
12) Use your order of development as an organizational tool
13) Use transitions to connect points of argument
14) Use Standard Edited American English
15) Use Proper College Composition Format
16) Use the six steps of the writing process to draft and revise a paper
17) Write three drafts of a persuasive essay using at least three sources of evidence
18) Present the final draft of your essay as an oration to class

Activities will include: group work, debates, notes and note taking, research, writing, watching videos about composition, reading, and practicing oral presentation skills.

You will be graded in the following ways: quizzes, worksheets, debate practices, revision guides and by rubrics for your essay and oration, and a final.


1st go HERE and then watch SHMOOP below.

Remember the PowerPoint on Edmodo - go HERE

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Friday 13 February 2015


Today we are going to review the draft of your essay and look at revisions.

The revision will be due on Tuesday.  Final on Hamlet will be next Thursday!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Next Week

I want you to work on Lessons 9 and 10 on SHMOOP - and begin your 3-5 page essay on Hamlet based on the UNIT LEARNING GOAL.

Unit Learning goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of Hamlet by choosing a prompt from below, developing a thesis statement out of it, and answering the thesis statement by analyzing and using direct evidence from the text. 


1)    Polonius is sometimes played as a senile old fool, sometimes as a shrewd and worldly old man.  Which interpretation do you agree with and why?
2)    Pick one character who could, at some point, have changed the whole chain of events.  Discuss.
3)    Analyze the three appearances of the ghost seen in the play.  Where did he appear; to whom did he appear?  How does the third appearance differ from the first two?  What is the significance of this?
4)    Discuss the reasons for Hamlet’s apparent delay in seeking revenge for his father.  What is your opinion regarding his procrastination?
5)    Compare and contrast Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras as avengers.
6)    What is Hamlet’s attitude towards life and people?  How does it affect his actions?
7)    Apply the following quote to Hamlet: “A man who wishes to make a profession of goodness in everything must necessarily come to grief among so many who are not good.  Therefore, it is necessary for a prince, who wishes to maintain himself, to learn how to not to be good, and to use this knowledge and not use it, according to the necessity of the case.”  -- THE PRINCE, Machiavelli
8)    Examine the reoccurring pun on sun and son.  How does this symbol work in the overall meaning of the play.
9)    Was Ophelia pregnant with Hamlet’s child?
10)  Did Hamlet slip into madness?
11)  It is Hamlet who causes the downfall of Denmark.
12) What is the meaning of the pirates?
13) Is Hamlet Jesus Christ?  How is Horatio either John the Baptist or an apostle.
14) Why or how is Denmark the Garden of Eden?
15) Gertrude knows about the murder?
16) The meaning of prostitution in Hamlet?
17) Can Hamlet be compared to our current society?  If so, how?
18) Perhaps others—as we read or when we finish