Tuesday 21 April 2015

BOOK 3 Questions


1. Why are the political prisoners more terrified than the common criminals?

2. Why was Ampleforth in prison?

3. What role does Winston think O’Brien has been playing?

4. According to O’Brien, why is Winston being tortured?

5. According to O’Brien, why does the Party want power?

6. Where does O’Brien think reality exists?

7. What does Winston see when he looks in the mirror?

8. At the end of Chapter III, what has Winston NOT done that O’Brien wants him to do?

9. What is in Room 101?

10. When and in what way does Winston betray Julia? Why is it significant?
11. Why does O’Brien say prisoners are brought to the Ministry of Love?

12. Was the Party successful in “getting inside” Winston?

13. How do Winston and Julia now feel about one another?

14. How does Winston ultimately feel about Big Brother?

15. What “victory over himself” has Winston won?  Do you think it’s a real victory?

16. What do you think the major theme of 1984 is?  Why?

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