Thursday 30 April 2015

Practice TEST

Answer the following questions - also look at the attached "Practice Test" on Edmodo.  

1984 Test:  Each questions is worth 5 points unless noted.  Total points = 181

1.     (15 points)   List and explain three themes that appear in 1984.

  1. (8 points) What do the following symbols represent (keep in mind that they may represent more than one thing at different times in the novel)


The Golden Country:

Chestnut Tree Café:


  1. Give a definition for dystopia and briefly explain how 1984 fits the definition (be specific and use examples – vague or incomplete answers will not receive full credit)

  1. List five foreshadows in 1984 (and explain what they hint at)

  1. Describe in detail and with examples the various ways (at least five) that Big Brother controls its citizens.

  1. List four ironies in the book.

  1. Give three examples of motifs that occur in the novel and connect each to a theme.

  1. Explain the slogan, “He who controls the past controls the future.  He who controls the present controls the past.”  Why is this slogan important?

  1. What lies/half-truths does the party teach about history?

  1. Name the four ministries and what each controls.

  1. List the three principles of Ingsoc.

  1. List five Newspeak words and define each.

  1. How is a person’s class determined in 1984?

  1. How does Big Brothers philosophy about power and control differ from previous dictatorships?

  1. What is O’Brien’s vision of the future?

  1. Explain the significance of Winston’s childhood memories?  How do they give weight to the novel?

  1. According to Obrien how is Winston mentally deranged?

  1. (14 points):  For the following characters discuss who they are, the meanings of their names, and what they represent in the novel.



Winston Smith




  1. (9 points) List and explain in detail the three movements of the novel.  Use examples.  What is each about?  Why is each important?

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